
Old Financial Trust is proud to announce that we now offer E-statements! Sign up today to start receiving your statements via email. It's fast, simple and easy.

How do I sign up for E-Statements?

  1. Login to Online Banking - Using your Old Financial Trust ID and password login to your online banking account.
  2. Go to E-statements - Select the gray E-statements tab at the top of the page.
  3. Fill out E-statements Form - Fill out the form to request E-statements. Make sure to supply a valid email address. Next choose a security phrase. This phrase will help you know that the E-statement is valid and from Old Financial Trust. When you get the first email statement it will say Old Financial Trust, followed by your security phrase. Accepting the disclosure is necessary as a one-time requirement.
  4. E-statements - Once your E-statements are available they will be emailed to your account each month. They are also stored on the E-statements tab in your online banking account. You will be able to access up to two years worth of statements from this location.